Sunday, December 21, 2008

The Christmas (almost) snowstorm of 2008

For those in Snow country this post will seem like, "What's the big deal?" However, for those who are Oregonians you will realize the singularity of these pictures. We have had a significant weather event over the last week or so culminating in a snow and ice storm like we have never seen in our 30 years in Oregon. We will let the pictures do most of the talking. Enjoy!

snowdrift on a tree in our forest trail

Jocy and Mikeyla taking a spin on the sled~

These 2 pictures were taken about 12 hours apart. Note the difference in depth of snow on the kiddie picnic table!

Aaron and Mikeyla on the toboggan with Grandpa driving

Now, Aaron driving (Scary!!)and G'pa and Mikeyla taking a turn

We think that Aaron would much rather be driving the ATV than sledding!

Cruising the orchard
(Aaron, Mikeyla and G'pa)

The Toboggan
for instructions on how to make this go to
(just kidding)

Nate on the Tramp~neither rain nor sleet nor hail will keep me from jumping!!

The apple orchard from the south side

Snow removal~Dad is inside punching the roof with a broom


we loved these little ice pyramids on the grape arbor posts

smiley face swings

ATV tracks~Dad's choice

woman (grandma) at the well

the parable of the frozen olive tree
Bell 12:21

hoar frost on the curly willow

this layer of 1/4 inch ice covers everything

A rarely seen picturesque winter view of Bell's Orchard
(looking south~Vial's house is on the hill behind the red bran)

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Once in a lifetime!

I had a once in a lifetime experience last Saturday. Our stake presidency and 11 others plus the bishops from each stake were invited to a 'field training' meeting with Elder Dallin Oaks. Elder Oaks brought as traveling companions Elder Rasband and Elder Gonzales of the Presidency of the 70. There were about 100 men in the Lake Oswego stake center chapel. We spent 4 of the shortest hours of my life literally 'at the feet of a prophet' as he instructed us on several matters. Each stake was assigned to sit in a specific place and I was amazed that we were on the second row of the chapel. Elder Oaks spoke from the area in front of the podium for most of the meeting so I could literally reach out and touch him (not that I did!). At the beginning of his remarks he was quite specific to say that he didn't want to have the internet suddenly ablaze with "Elder Oaks said....." so I'm not going to quote him here. I do feel comfortable to share in my own words my feelings about a few of the things he said.

Perhaps I was most impressed with the discussion about teaching the rising generation. There were some specific areas discussed which included:
  • Teaching our families the gospel so they develop testimonies of their own. We need to be sure they know of our testimonies of Heavenly Father, Jesus Christ, the Atonement, Joseph Smith's as a prophet, the truthfulness of the Book of Mormon, the restoration of the priesthood and living prophets. He observed that the church is always just one generation away from extinction.
  • Teaching our children the importance of marriage. There are certainly highly visible and vocal opponents of traditional marriage. We need to be sure our children know this is wrong and why. However, these may not be the most significant detractors from the sanctity and dignity of marriage. How will our children ever get the message that marriage is important and sacred when they look around them and see broken marriage after broken marriage, people living together outside of marriage and families with only one parent. And then there are many who simply choose to be single. These attacks on the sanctity of marriage are much more subtle and may do more harm in the end than the extremists. Our children need to understand that Heavenly Father's plan to provide bodies and a temporal experience for His children is through marriage. That it is sacred and holy and the right thing to do. They need to know that they can only experience the greatest joy in this life through marriage. If we do not teach them, they will not learn it from what they see around them in the world.
  • Teach our children the importance of having children. Too many in and out of the church choose to have no children or significantly limit the number of children they have. Having children in our homes is also part of Heavenly Father's plan to teach and exalt His children. There are so many wonderful experiences to have as parents and children and as brothers and sisters. Children need siblings to help them grow and develop the skills they need for living. The home is a wonderful laboratory for life but it needs to have some others for experiments!! Parents need to both practice and teach these principles to their children. They won't learn it elsewhere.

I suppose blogs are intended for lighter topics. I don't even know if my kids will read it. However, I do know that I consider myself extremely fortunate to have had the chance to spend the afternoon with one of the men I have raised my arm to sustain many times as a prophet, seer and revelator. My witness of that was refreshed and strengthened by the honor of being in his presence.


Sunday, October 19, 2008

Fall in the Orchard

The fall colors have arrived in the peach section of the orchard. The trees are still a long way from full sized but they are growing. Jocey and Mikeyla posed for us at sunset to add the family touch.

Premier Page

We have decided to start a blog for the Bell Family. Megan is helping me to do it. Here is our first post. I was playing some Primary songs after Sunday dinner. Jocy and Mikeyla were singing with me but I looked aorund, they were gone and Laynie was helping me play and was 'dancing' on the bench.
We are hoping that everyone will contribute. I believe that this will take the place of the newsletter.