The Lloyd Bell family meet at Zion's Park area for the beginning of a week of reuniting starting June 28, 2010.
We stayed at a wonderful place near the east entrance of Zion for 2 nights and then made our way up to Bryce on Wednesday.
It was so very much fun to be together but I don't know what logic caused us to think that moving 22 children around would be easy!
They did have fun and we had a huge log cabin to house all of us.
Marsha and Beck and Anthony and Alexander joined us and they stayed in a smaller cabin nearby.
Mike Neilson and Mike Smith and Adam were not able to join us down south due to work committments.
Will post the northern part of the reunion later~

Some of the monkeys at Bryce Canyon

Nick, Lindsey and Makenzie with Mikeyla's head in the foregroung

Ma and Pa Bell with children~
Nick, Katie, Beth, Jim, Becca and Reed

Anthony, Alexander and a few dusty cousins~
Jack, Jaike, Sarah and Emi?

Takin a break on the Zion's hike Trail
Pa Bell, Evelyn, Jakob and Beth

Lovely Makenzie posing for the pix

Reed with Zack

Nate, Jocy, Laynie, Charlotte and Megan Bell

only 17 out of 22

Laynie cooling off

more cooling off with Grace, Emi, Jocy, Tyler and Jaike?

feeing the masses~
Megan had prepared everthing at the house so we could all make a lunch

sisters~Becky, Marsha and Annette

Sarah and Wilford

Pa and Ma

Tyler, Kate, Becca, Jaike, Emi and Grace

Jack and Katie with Max and Evelyn

descending the trail at Zion

trying to chill at the top

this is trouble