Sunday, October 19, 2008

Fall in the Orchard

The fall colors have arrived in the peach section of the orchard. The trees are still a long way from full sized but they are growing. Jocey and Mikeyla posed for us at sunset to add the family touch.


Becca said...

you have more fall colors on those tiny trees than we have in all of Texas. I miss fall colors

Unknown said...

Hey mom. I am totally impressed! I think your blog is very cool. You blogging is probably like me getting a mySpace page (I just can't bring myself to even visit there) so I probably shouldn't give you too much lip. Nice work. Now you need an on-line alias, like "ivory tickler" or "A-bomb" or "pinky nose picker" I don't know, just give it some thought.

Katie Smith said...

Hooray for the family blog! I love it!!

Mom, I think you should pick, "pinky nose picker" for your alias. That's the best.