Monday, August 3, 2009

White Coat Ceremony

On July 17, we were invited to Jim's white coat ceremony. Each first year dental student was given a white coat with their name embroidered on it representative of their readiness to perform patient care.

It was a nice ceremony with a few brief speeches and then the presentation of the coats. The students have now been divided in different study groups named after Portland bridges with a mentor from the school assigned to each one. Bridges have a dental meaning and a reference to bridging their education to helping the community. Jim is in the Sellwood group.

Several student had mentors or family members actually placing the coats on them. You had to be a dentist to do this. In retrospect, it would have been fun to have Dr./Captain Mike Neilson there to give Jim his coat.

The ceremony was held in the 'old auditorium' on the campus which was nice for it's historic value but it had no air conditioning so it was very toasty in there. They also had a nice reception afterwards.

It was fun to be a part of the festivities.

1 comment:

paula said...

congrads to Jim...