Thursday, September 24, 2009


These are the harvested peaches that we kept for ourselves to can and they are yummy! The early varieties started in mid-August with the Rising Star, StarFire, Allstar and Blushing star (a white meat peach)~then came the Veterans and Frosts and Golden Jubilee. These are Late Elberta which is still my all round favorite.
We posted our orchard on a U-pick website and the thing that people wanted most were peaches~ we had tons of calls and still are getting them.
It is amazing how a tree with a trunk no bigger around than a closet rod and not as tall as me can bear so many big fruits~
but we are not complaining!


Grace said...

i had no idea that you were selling u pick...although i have been rather busy the past few weeks. will you have apples to sell as well?

Rich Vial said...

Yup, fruit. You got it whether you are ready or not. Looks great, and I can't wait to get some next year! Best of Luck. Rich