On the 21st of June we left Reed and Megan at our house in Oregon and flew to San Antonio for Mike's graduation from his oral surgery residency. Here are some pix from the ceremony. Becca got long-stemmed roses and a corsage (worn by Grace).
The officers in charge mentioned their thankfulness many times for the support of the family.

Mike Neilson family
Emi, Becca, Mike (holding Kate), Grace, Tyler and Jaike

Mike receving his certificate/diploma

The Mike Neilson family
San Antonio, Texas June 2011

Looks like I got them just a little too late or a little too early

Mike and the 'brass'. The general (in the middle) was from Washington D.C.
Lloyd and I left San Antonio the next day to drive Mike's truck (and Indy the dog) to Phoenix where our next adventure would take place.
To be continued. . .
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