Thursday, January 29, 2009

Spuddy Buddy

Wow, time flies when you are having fun!

January has flown by and we are looking February in the face. We usually have mild weather here in Oregon this time of year but it has snowed several times in January and every day has had some temps below freezing.

When we visited Idaho in December, we loaded up on Idaho potatoes from the potato house. We thought it would be fun to give some to our neighbors for Christmas. To spice up the gift a little, Lloyd wrote a poem for the occasion. I thought that it was so good that I sent it to the Idaho potato commission and they thought it was clever enough to send us a box of goodies with recipes, notepads and Spuddy Buddy. He is not as cute or famous as the California raisins~but he in reality, after all, a POTATO!

1 comment:

Grace said...

is a book in the works? A book on gardening, children and so forth :)

i didn't realize Lloyd wrote the poem. good job!