Monday, January 18, 2010

San Antone !!

Lloyd and I left for San Antonio on New Year's Day and we managed to pack a lot of things in while we were there. Llopyd returned home on January 8th but I stayed until the 15th. I am so lame at ordering these pix on the BLOG so you will just have to use your chronological imagination! We attended the Alamo Bowl on January 2nd. It was so much fun! You can see how high up were were. We were deep in the middle of TCU territory. This flad was carried in all folded up by lots of fols and they unfurled it on the field. Impressive!
Tyler's birthday on January 10th. By now, Becca and I were alone with all of the children since Mike had a pathology seminar in Orlando. we had also just wrangled them through their stake conference.

A little trip to the San Antonio Temple on the 9th. We also visited the Distribution Center there

Jaike and Indy being contained while Miek and Dad worked on a wood project in the garage

On January 2nd Emi was baptized and Kate was blessed in the Bishop's office after the baptism. what an eventful day~

The family pix with the Neilson's-Stan and Linda

Becca and Kate Eliza Neilson

Emi in her baptism dress

Emi and Mike just before the baptism. Mike was able to find this groovy~and I do mean Gro-o-o-o-vy jumpsuit in the baptism clothes closet. He modeled it for all of us there. Haivn the blet and not just the loops would have made it even groovier.
It was a wonderful visit and I was so glad to be able to go and stay long enough to be of some help to Becca.
we sewed 2 quilts and made numerous trips to the base for appointments, dr's visits, commisary stuff`ate some good Mexican food and just hung out and took care of kids.

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